Dr. Chorvát has an individual approach, which is a great gift. I admire his inner peace and ability to make quick decisions.
I am very satisfied with the result of the operation, which exceeded my expectations
We have been offering a complete service for foreign clients since 2017. By booking the operation directly from us, you will get the best possible price on the market without agency fees with the benefits of free post-operative control directly in UK.
As the only clinic in the Czech Republic, we exclusively offer 1 check-up at our clinic in the Czech Republic and 1 check-up at partner clinics directly in England for the procedure.
Compared to the UK, Ireland, and Western Europe, our prices are as much as 70% cheaper. You are booking directly so you are not paying any agency fees. English speaking doctors and no hidden costs.
As part of our commitment to excellent customer service, we provide airport pick-up, hotel booking and continuous assistance during your entire journey. Direct 2 hour flights from London and Manchester several times a day (British Airways, Easyjet, Wizz Air, Ryan Air)
Our representatives are available 24/7, 365 days a year, so you can reach us anytime. Please don't hesitate to contact us!
Quality and professionalism are our top priorities, and we achieve this through our team of experienced and internationally qualified surgeons. Since 2011, we have treated more than 30,000 clients every year. We have the highest rating on independent Google ratings among Czech plastic surgery clinics.
Please provide us with information about the requested procedure and your photo
We will contact you with details regarding the procedure and price quotation.
google reviews
Mária Holecová2023-06-08Chtěla bych moc poděkovat celému týmu Premiér clinic za jejich milý a profesionální přístup. Nejvíc MUDr. Petrovi Polákovi za excelentně odvedenou práci, lidské chování a něžný přístup. Lepšího lékaře jsem si nemohla vybrat! Všem vřele doporučuji 🙂Sonch Dubovska2023-06-02I came to the clicic very very nervous. I am so grateful for the kind & professional staff who made their absolute best to make me feel comfortable and relaxed before my procedure! The procedure went smoothly and I cannot thank MUDr. VOTRUBOVÁ and her nurse enough. The clinic itself was clean with luxury feel. 5/5 🙂Jaroslava Bujnakova2023-06-02Byla jsem spokojena pan doktor Polák a sestřičky jsou hodný a velmi milýGabriella NO2023-05-17Velice spokojená ! Paní mi vše před úkonem vysvětlila a poučila mne. Nicméně, co musí vyzdvihnout, že dříve při odstranění tetování ( nebyla jsem na první aplikaci), tak včera poprvé, kdy mne místo bylo umrtveno mezokainem ! Nikoliv jen dezinfekcí a šlo se na to. Tudíž jsem samotnou aplikaci laserem téměř necítila !! A co dalšího oceňuji - pečlivost ! Nikoliv rychlost ať už to máme rychle za sebou… Nicméně za mne celkově doporučuji 🙂Adéla2023-05-11Vybírala jsem nejprve mezi lékaři, z recenzí a doporučení byla jednoznačným favoritem paní doktorka Zárubová. Je to profesionál “přes prsa”. Ať už se jedná o augmentace, nebo zdravotní problémy - karcinomy a podobně. Bylo mi celkem jedno, kam za ní půjdu, ale vzhled, servis, přistup kliniky mile překvapil. Takže paní doktorku všema deseti doporučuji. Ostatní lékaře nemohu hodnoti, nemám zkušenost. Servis kliniky jako takové 100%👍🏼.
A synchronized, precise and high-quality team is the heart of every plastic surgery clinic. Therefore, the selection of doctors, nurses or other staff is our highest priority. Only a quality team can deliver the best result – a satisfied client.
Why us?
We are the most modern and technologically advanced private clinic of aesthetic
medicine in the Czech Republic.
All of our inpatient rooms are designed as ICU rooms, meaning that all patients are constantly monitored. We adhere to ISO quality certifications and safe plastic surgery practices, including having a back-up power supply for the entire clinic.
With us you will have a great time! Our 5-star hotel rooms have a private marble bathroom, minibar and Schröder premium reclining beds.
Our low-flow anaesthesia is controlled by the best anaesthesiologists in the country with the help of top anaesthesia units HEYER from Germany. We are the only facility in the country to use fully digital anesthesia dosing.
The entire clinic is covered by high-speed WiFi connection for your convenience. If you wish, we will lend you a tablet for free during your stay.
For all our clients who are ordered to us for consultations or shorter procedures, free parking is available directly in the garages of our building after prior reservation. So you can comfortably and privately get out of the garage with a so-called dry foot lift directly to the clinic.
All consultations are non-binding and in some cases free of charge.
Andrea underwent breast augmentation with MUDr. Vojtěch Šandera with silicone implants 350 ml. You can find her story on the client's instagram profile.
"My wish was as natural a cleavage as possible and that is exactly the result.Thank you." Andrea underwent breast augmentation with Igor Slaninka, MD.
"They are beautiful, natural and it feels like I was born with them. The best decision in my life. Thank you for a dream come true." Client Anna underwent breast augmentation with Igor Slaninka, MD.
"I am happier and happier with myself. That day literally changed my life. Big THANK YOU belongs to Premier Clinic." Client Marie underwent breast augmentation with Igor Slaninka, MD
"Thank you for fulfilling your dream, I fully enjoy my decision. Many thanks to the most skilful MUDr. Slaninka." Client Lucie underwent breast augmentation at our clinic.
Client Alisa G. underwent breast augmentation with 375 ml implants.
Our department has unique high-tech equipment including 2 high-tech operating rooms with the possibility of gentle low-flow anaesthesia. Of course, there are fully equipped monitored hotel-type teenage rooms, including a minibar, L’occitane cosmetics, etc. For clients, discreet free parking is available directly in the clinic building upon prior reservation.
Dr. Chorvát has an individual approach, which is a great gift. I admire his inner peace and ability to make quick decisions.
I am very satisfied with the result of the operation, which exceeded my expectations
1 year ago I have my breasts enlargement by dr. Juray Payer. He was recommended to me by a very good friend here in Switzerland.
The first step was a Skypecall with him. He explained the procedure to me and answered all questions. Until the surgery, I still had some questions which Eva Baranovicova and Dr. med. Payer were answered.
The operation was without complications, I am delighted with the result !!
Dr prayer he's such a professional, and super kind, I've had two surgeries, tummy tuck and breast lift implant removal and my results are just what I always wanted, I'm from Liverpool uk and I've told lots of my friends about dr prayer and some have had surgery by him themselves. Don't worry about having surgery abroad this surgeon is top of his game and has worked all over the world. I highly recommend dr prayer and his team, all speak English and the nurses were just so kind and full with empathy. A class I will be having more surgery early next year and look forward to having amazing results yet again, and brilliant care pre and post surgery.
The surgery was great. The surgery was great.
Or call the phone at any time
🇬🇧+44 208 157 6867
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